Are you looking to save on your purchases? Ofertia is the shopping app where you will find all the brochures, coupons and deals of your favorite stores.
Discounts Supermarkets, Home, Electronics, Fashion... Don't miss any offers! No matter where you are, you will always find the best deals around you and you can save more than 50% on your purchases ️ with incredible discounts and promotions. Download Ofertia for free!
Find the brochures, deals and discount coupons in your favourites stores and supermarkets
Deals in Stores, Supermarkets, Fashion, Electronics, DIY, Home… ¡And much more!
With the Ofertia app you will recieve new brochures and coupons on your phone with the latest promotions, deals and discounts every day, for example brochures with deals in Bodega Aurrera or Falabella.
Discover the best brochures and pamphlets with offers in stores near you
Turn on your geolocator and find the best offers, coupons and promotions from the stores closest to you, wherever you are.
Save until a 50% in all your purchase with
incredibles discounts and offers in stores like Sears, Constructor, Homecenter, Bata, Soriana or Interceramic, or with deals in supermarkets like Soriana, Sam's Club, Ducales, Kibo, Jumbo or Lider. ¡And much more!
Characteristics of Ofertia: Discounts brochures , offers and coupons
Ofertia is the most comfortable app for shopping. Plan all your purchases and enquiry the brochures and deals of your stores and favourites brands without having to go back to the paper brochure.
★ Discover new offers pamphlets and brochures from stores near you, wherever you are, for example in Mexico
Stores CDMX like Bodega Aurrera or Sears. In Colombia
Stores Bogotá like Constructor or Homecenter. In Chile
Stores Santiago like Falabella or Bata.
★ Search for
category and find brochures, discounts and deals of supermarkets, fashion, DIY, opticals, home, electronics and much more.
★ Create your
shopping list and bring your
loyalty cards to the app. ¡Do your purchases in the most effective way!
★ Use the
store finder to search the
best price of your favorite products withs coupons and promotions in supermarkets, furniture brochures, women's beauty, deals in supermarkets like Modelorama or HEB.
★ Locate your favourite stores and check their opening hours. ¡Be the first everywhere!
★ Get into the online shop directly without leaving the app.
Save up more than a 50% in all your purchases with discounts in your favourite establishments.
Offers in supermarkets and Hipermarkets like Ducales, Kibo, Bodega Aurrera or Soriana. All the pamphlets, coupons, brochures and deals of your favourites supermarktes.
Electronics shops like Telcel, Claro or WOM. The best deals and discounts!
Clothes shops like Andrea, Studio F, Bata. Brochures of stores with the latest trends in clothes.
DIY and Home stores as Comex, Tugó or Construmart. Decorate your house saving up in all your purchases.
And much more! Sports, women beauty brochures, Optics and Toys, We have brochures and offers of stores in your city.
Download Ofertia and join the new age of free digital brochures.Forget the paper offers, thanks to Ofertia you will be able to take advantage of all the deals and discounts to save in all your purchases and, at the same time, you will do your part to protect the environment.
With Ofertia you will always have the pamphlets o, coupons, brochures and offers of almost 100.000 stores on hand without the necessity of having papers at home. Since clothes stores, offers in supermarkets, brochures in DIY stores or electronics to the most popular stores.